Management of Lambs and Kids
Lambing and Kidding Supplies

Supplies Needed At Birthing Time - A Check List

Medications and Supplies:

  1. Propylene-glycol, molasses, or "Karo" syrup - for treatment of pregnancy toxemia. Watch for mothers appearing tired and not wanting to get up or move. See page F650.
  2. Lubrivet, K-Y Jelly, mineral oil, or other suitable lubricant (not automotive lubricants) - a necessity for helping a mother that is having difficulty giving birth. Too much lubrication is very seldom a problem.
  3. Iodine (7% tincture, not 1% tame iodine) - for dipping umbilical cords.
  4. Colostrum - a must for weak or orphan newborns.
  5. Uterine boluses - for retained afterbirth (placenta) and assisted deliveries.
  6. Injectable vitamin E and selenium (BO-SE) - for prevention or treatment of white muscle disease.
  7. Antibiotics (penicillin or LA-200/Liquamycin antibiotic) - for treatment of pneumonia, navel ill, and general bacterial infections. Good for ewes/does following difficult, assisted deliveries.
  8. Intra-mammary infusion tubes or injectable antibiotics - to treat mastitis.
  9. Antiseptics - isopropyl alcohol, tame iodine, chlorhexidine, or other similar disinfectants.
  10. Bloat remedy (Therabloat).
  11. Ketostix (ketosis test strips) - for measuring ketones in the urine.
  12. Scour remedy - many of the pig oral anti-scours treatment products work well (spectinomycin, aureomycin tablets).
  13. Aspirin - for pain relief and discomfort for a ewe/doe following a difficult delivery.
  14. Glucose, electrolytes, and amino acids mixture - for treating weak and dehydrated lambs or kids. Products like Biolyte can be purchased from local farm stores or veterinarians.
  15. Aerosol products - to assist in grafting orphan lambs.
  16. Tetanus antitoxin.
  17. Soremouth vaccine - only if problem exists.
  18. Clostridium perfringens C & D vaccine (enterotoxemia).
  19. Footrot treatment medication.
  20. De-worming product.
  21. Approved product for external parasites, i.e. keds, ticks, lice, etc.
  22. KRS spray or other anti-fly product for spraying on wounds.
  23. Blood stop powder or hemodust - for use after docking and/or castration.
  24. Slack lime - for disinfecting birthing or lambing pens and jails.
  25. Bag balm - use for injured and/or swollen teats on the mother caused by newborn’s teeth (especially on first time mothers).

* IMPORTANT NOTE: Use of many of these products in sheep and goats is considered extra-label.


  1. Shears - for tagging (shearing) the rear-quarters and cleaning wool away from around the udder and face of the ewe.
  2. Crook or cane - for catching the mother’s legs, not her neck!
  3. Buckets - for water, equipment, etc.
  4. Veterinary obstetrical (OB) gloves - sterile and disposable for assisting ewes/does with dystocia problems.
  5. Snare, or puller - to help correct general conditions of dystocia.
  6. Nylon cord - to use on those elusive feet in difficult deliveries.
  7. Old towels, burlap sacking, etc. - for drying off wet newborns.
  8. Oxygen bottle - small bottle, with small funnel and hose for use on oxygen deprived newborns shortly after birth.
  9. Heat lamps - very helpful for chilled, weak, or orphan newborns.
  10. Pritchard nipples, bottles, etc. - for orphans or weak newborns.
  11. Tube feeder (60 cc syringe and a 16-18 inch feeding catheter) - for feeding colostrum to weak newborns.
  12. Scales (hanging) - to obtain birthweights.
  13. Lambing/kidding or "claiming" pens (jugs or jails) - to pen up mothers and newborns for a day or so (particularly ewes with twins or triplets).
  14. Thermometer - be sure to attach string or umbilical tape to the thermometer for easy removal and prevention of accidental rectal retention. Normal temperature is 102.3° F.
  15. A good variety of unused syringes (from 3 to 60 mL capacity) and needles (18-22 gauge x 1-1.5 inch in length).
  16. Skinning knife - to skin dead newborns for grafting purposes.
  17. Scalpel, blades, and surgical scissors (slight curve of blades) - ideal for treating entropion eye, cutting umbilical tape, etc.
  18. Cotton balls (sterile) - for antiseptic swabs.
  19. Ear tags, paint brands, marking crayons, scourable spray paints, and chalk - for individual animal identification.
  20. Ear notcher or ear tatoo equipment - if "permanently"’ identifying animals.
  21. Elastrator, elastrator bands, emasculatome, etc. - for docking and castration.
  22. Prolapse loops or bearing retainers - for treating vaginal and uterine eversion (prolapse). See page C900 for additional details.
  23. Balling gun - for giving oblets or pills.
  24. Barn sheets, records, etc. - for data collection.

* IMPORTANT NOTE: This list is not all inclusive, and recommendations may vary from region to region. It is recommended that producers consult their local veterinarian for additional suggestions.