® (Flunixin meglumine)

Product Description: This drug is an anti-inflammatory and general pain reliever.

Indications for Use: Banamine is used to reduce inflammation and pain associated with muscle and bone disorders. It is also effective in alleviation of pain associated with colic.

Dosage and Administration: Give 1 mL per 100 lbs. of body weight, administered IV or IM. Do not give over 10 mL per horse in any one-time dose. (See precautions.)

Duration of Treatment: Banamine can be given for up to 5 days consecutively. (See precautions.)

Packaging: The product comes in 50, 100, and 250 mL bottles or as a paste syringe.

Precautions and Side Effects: High doses and excessive days of treatment can cause stomach and intestinal irritation and/or ulceration. Localized swelling at injection site, sweating, and stiffness have been reported if the drug is given IM. Some veterinarians recommend that this product never be given IM in horses.

Storage and Shelf Life: This drug requires no refrigeration.

Meat Withholding: Do not use in horses intended for food.

Drug Type: Rx

Manufacturer:  Schering-Plough